Opening Time
- As the school gates do not open until 8.30am, we ask that students and parents do not enter the school before this time.
- Before School Care is available for children who arrive before 8.30am.
Student Cellphones – Smart Watches
- Students are not permitted to use cell phones or smartwatches with communication capabilities at any time while on school grounds. (ie. As soon as they pass through the school gates.)
- All devices need to be turned off and handed to the class teacher upon arrival at school. They will be kept in the school office and returned at 3pm.
- These devices are not allowed on class trips, camps, sports events, or any other school activities.
- Please note, the school will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged devices.
If a student uses a personal digital device inappropriately, it will be placed in the office for collection at the end of the day. Repeat incidents result in the device being held by the principal until a parent or caregiver collects it.
- Parents and students are still able to communicate with each other, when necessary, through the school office.
- Please see our policy in SchoolDocs for specific information. LINK to Schooldocs
- Children must wear a bike helmet when riding their bike.
- For safety, bikes are walked up and down the school driveway.
- Bike racks are situated at the main gates, opposite Room 1 and beside the hall.
- Bikes cannot be ridden in the school grounds until 3.30pm.
- The roads are extremely busy at the end of the day so, for safety, children must walk their bikes down Longitude Place.
Scooters & Skateboards
Children are welcome to bring scooters and skateboards to school for use on the Scoot Loop during breaks. Rollerskates are permitted Wednesdays on the Scoot Loop. For safety, wheels are not to be used on the school driveway.
- The wearing of helmets is compulsory. (No helmet, no scootering/ skateboarding)
- Children must use their own gear.
- Where: The “Scoot Loop”. (The sealed area from the top field steps and behind Rimu block)
- When: Before school, morning tea & lunch breaks
- Storage: The bike racks by the gate and Rm 20.
Dogs are not permitted on school grounds. The only occasion dogs may be allowed at school is as part of a specialised, pre-arranged programme. (eg – Therapy Dogs)
Toys & Personal Items
We ask that children do not bring toys and precious items to school. The school takes no responsibility for any such items if they go missing or are damaged.
Make-up & Jewellery
Please support the school by ensuring your children do not wear makeup or unnecessary jewellery to school. For safety, please only wear stud earrings.
Food/ Drinks
We have a 10 minute “Brain Break” at 11.50am and during this time children are able to snack on a piece of fresh vegetable or fruit.
We encourage healthy eating and drinking of water.
Adventure is a “Nut Free” school as we have a number of children with severe and life-threatening allergies to nuts.

Please support our request that children do not bring the following items to school:
- Foods containing nuts or traces of nuts
- Chewing gum
o Sweets/ chocolate
- Carbonated drinks
- Birthday celebration cakes / treats
Because we have many children with severe allergies and special dietary requirements, as well as some families not able to supply treats to the entire class, please do not send class birthday cakes or treats to school.
For sun safety, the wearing of regulation school bucket hats is compulsory in Term 1 and from Labour Weekend in Term 4.
Children without hats will be required to stay in the shaded areas of the playground during breaks and will not be able to take part in class/ syndicate outdoor activities.
Clothing & Footwear
We have a school uniform that our children wear with pride. Please check our Uniform page on the website for details.
It is important children wear suitable footwear for playing and physical activities. For safety please follow these guidelines –
- no jandals, slides or “wheelie” shoes
- Year 7 & 8 children attending Technicraft must have enclosed footwear.
- Crocs are not suitable for physical activity. For safety, Crocs are not permitted on the Adventure Playgrounds.